These are the general rules in force in Portugal:
- All events with over 10 people are prohibited
- Public Transportation – Maximum 2/3 of total capacity and face masks are mandatory. In taxis / TVDE, the front seats must be used only by the driver, and passenger occupancy cannot exceed 2/3 of the remaining space.
- An appointment must be scheduled in advance for tax offices, conservatories and other public offices.
- Businesses cannot be occupied by more than 4 people per 100 square meters (excluding employees).
- Beach season will start on June 6 with the following limitations:
- Groups limited to 5 people
- All sports activities are banned except if in the water
- 1.5 m of social distance
- 3 m of distance between towels or sunbeds
- App ´Info Praia` (Beach Info) will have three colors: Green (1/3 occupancy) , yellow (2/3 occupancy) and red (Full occupancy). These colors will identify the occupancy level of each beach.
- Car parking will only be allowed in designated areas
- There may be some circulation direction lanes or markings, so people don´t cross and can keep their distances while walking around
Hygiene and sanitisation measures
In order to prevent the spread of the virus and the possibility of contagion, all services should take hygiene and sanitisation measures according to the indications of the Directorate-General for Health, with specific recommendations for various sectors of activity.